Medical emergencies are among the most constant and critical threats executive protection professionals are likely to encounter. This training focuses on recognition and appropriate treatment of life-threatening trauma—whether sustained during an attack, a motor vehicle accident, or any number of other possible scenarios. Participants will learn vital skills for saving lives during the critical minutes before EMS can reach or safely enter the scene.
This training focuses on recognition of life-threatening injuries and application of appropriate treatments to dramatically increase survivability until the patient reaches higher-level care. You’ll learn proven skills and interventions which could save a life—your principal’s, your partner’s, or your own.
This course is open to all security, military, and law enforcement professionals. Allied Universal® encourages qualified individuals of all backgrounds to apply.
This course focuses on understanding and application of the M.A.R.C.H. algorithm, which is a systematic approach to emergent trauma care within hazardous environments:
- (M) Massive Bleeding
- (A) Airway
- (R) Respiration
- (C) Circulation (Shock)
- (H) Head Injuries/ Hypothermia
This training provides discussion and hands-on practice of key points of performance within the MARCH algorithm, as well as the START triage system, organization of casualty collection points (CCPs), obtaining vital signs, completing casualty cards, and trauma scenario exercises.
All information is derived from U.S. Military Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC/ TC3), Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC), The Hartford Consensus I, II, III Document on Improving Survival from Active Shooter Events, and/ or PHTLS V9.
This training incorporates classroom instruction, live demonstrations, hands-on application, and trauma scenarios.
Opportunities for hands-on learning include:
- Improvised tourniquets
- Manufactured tourniquets (CAT Gen-6 and 7, SWAT, RATS)
- Gauze wound packing
- Simple pressure dressing of arm or leg wounds
- Complex pressure dressing for a stump/armpit/femoral wound
- Movement of casualty via log roll onto a collapsible nylon litter (with and without cervical spine precautions)
- Radial and carotid artery pulse points
- Obtaining vital signs (heart rate, breathing rate, capillary refill time)
- Recording of vital signs using a casualty card
- Gunshot wounds scenario response with documentation onto casualty card
Instructor demonstrations include the skills above, plus the following:
· Hemostatic agents (Combat Gauze/ Celox Gauze/ Celox Applicator)
· Chest seals (H&H and Hyfin Vent)
· Nasopharyngeal airways (NPA)
· Head-tilt-chin-lift technique
· Jaw thrust technique
This course is predominately instructed by Thomas Rosehaley and Matt Schollard, lead medical training instructors for Allied Universal Enhanced Protection Services.
Thomas Rosehaley has a career spanning 20 years in the Executive Protection industry. Starting life as a U.S. Navy Corpsman, he specialized in field trauma response and hyperbaric medicine for military divers. Post-service Thomas staffed, managed, then built out hyperbaric medicine centers at University teaching facilities including UCSD, UCLA, and UCSF. Thomas left the hospital system in 2003, taking his emergency response mindset and successfully applying it to security details around the world. After supporting the GWOT in northern Iraq in 2004, Thomas provided security and medical support to Hollywood’s elite, music tours, movie productions, expeditions and disaster relief on six continents.
Extended and repeated deployments to Mexico, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, China and many more provided an alternative and holistic approach to health care. Since 2015 Thomas has focused on building the medical capabilities of AUS corporate EP programs, offering risk assessment-based considerations, building extended care capabilities and offering exposure to advanced life-saving trauma skills and equipment.
Successful participants will be awarded a CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION for this program from Allied as well as NAEMT LEO certification that is valid for 5 years. Individuals who fail to meet the standards of this training program will not be qualified by the Training Operations Group, but will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Prior medical training is not required to attend this course.
The following items must be secured outside the training area:
· All weapons (including firearms, knives, OC spray, impact weapons, etc.)
· Attendees must be in good physical condition and should consult a doctor with any questions regarding their ability to safely participate in defensive tactics training.
· Pre-existing injuries should be disclosed prior to participation to reduce likelihood of reinjury.
· Attendees who are not employed by Allied Universal must sign a liability release prior to participating in this training.
This is a 1-day, 8-hours course. Training typically runs from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
Open-Enrollment Registration: Tuition is $300.00. Please note that your seat will not be reserved until tuition is received. Tuition is refundable up to 30 days prior to training. Open-enrollment participants are responsible for their own travel, accommodations, and personal insurance (if desired).
EPS Registration: Employees of Allied Universal Enhanced Protection Services who have been approved to attend this training through their supervision may do so tuition-free.
Following registration for this course, you'll receive a confirmation email and a preliminary student bulletin which will include additional program details, guidelines, expectations, and required equipment. If you have any questions, please email john.lower@aus.com
Please see our events catalog for current courses.